Methods News from our lab Ongoing Research Science Journalism

We are looking for pregnant women!

Text: Andjela Markovic, Translation: Yaelle Dietter

We have recently initiated an exciting study on fetal sleep! The purpose of this study is to investigate the development of the sleep-wake rhythm during the final trimester of pregnancy. For one week, we will measure the movements of a pregnant woman’s abdominal wall using small sensors (see photo). The sensors are completely harmless and do not interfere with everyday activities.

Using small sensors that are attached to the participant’s abdominal wall at her home, we will measure the movements of the fetus for one week.

From the collected data, we can gather information about the movements of the fetus. Previous studies have shown that the internal clock of humans begins to tick already during pregnancy (1). It is therefore possible that the development of the sleep-wake rhythm also emerges before birth. The movements of the fetus and its periods of rest and activity can provide insights into the early rhythms.

We are interested in how these rhythms develop and what factors influence them. Are the first sleep-wake patterns genetically determined or do maternal influences such as their own activity also contribute? To answer this question, we will also measure the mother’s activity with an activity tracker and body temperature with another small sensor on the chest. To investigate further potential influencing factors, participants will complete online questionnaires about their family situation as well as their own sleep, health, and nutrition. All of this can be done conveniently from home and in line with their daily routine.

The insights gained from this study will help us better understand and support the development of healthy sleep behavior. Participants will receive exciting insights into the scientific measurement of their baby’s activity, as well as small gifts and vouchers. If you are interested in participating in this study, please contact us at or call us at 079 485 94 84 (good German knowledge required)!

(1) Serón-Ferré M, Torres-Farfán C, Forcelledo ML, Valenzuela GJ (2001). The development of circadian rhythms in the fetus and neonate. In: Seminars in perinatology. Elsevier. Vol. 25, pp 363–370.

Cover photo by Anna Hecker on Unsplash

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